Moura, Ana Aparecida VieiraCosta, Kelly da Silva2024-03-112024-03-112022COSTA, Kelly da Silva. Letramento crítico na aula de língua inglesa: multiletramentos e redes sociais. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica – ProfEPT) – Instituto Federal de Roraima, Boa Vista, 2022. piece of research aims at describing a study conducted in an English language classroom in the context of High School Integrated to the Technical Degree of Executive Secretary at IFRR Campus Boa Vista. The study is part of a line of research on Professional and Technological Educational Practices of the PROFEPT Graduate Program. We seek to reflect on the pedagogical practices adopted in a conventional classroom which was transformed into a virtual one due to the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the basis of concrete reality, several difficulties were identified in classrooms in the process of trying to achieve the basic objectives of the class, including methodological limitations concerning teachers and students’ approach to hybrid education. This is a qualitative approach that follows a descriptive-exploratory approach and makes use of the methodology of actionresearch to identify, solve and reflect on problems in the classroom during the researcher/author’s training between 2019-2021. Therefore, the conceptual foundations of Professional and Technological Education (CIAVATTA, 2005; RAMOS, 2014) were associated with the theory of Multiliteracies (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000; ROJO; 2012), as well as contributions on the development of critical literacy (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992; STREET, 2000 ; PENNYCOOK, 2001; JORDÃO; 2007) by using Hybrid Teaching (MORAN, 2015; BACICH; TREVISAN; TANZI NETO, 2015). As a result of our study, a practical guide with instructions for applying educational activities in the teaching of English language was elaborated with a view to critical literacy and making use of hybrid teaching methodology with Instagram as a locus for the development of activities. We hope this work may contribute to the guidance of language teachers, in particular from the Federal Education System, regarding planning, implementation and evaluation of classes that develop students’ critical literacy with multiliteracy practices in social networks in order to engage them in participatory and dynamic learning 3.0 BrazilEnsino de InglêsMultiletramentosLetramento críticoRedes SociaisEducação profissional e tecnológicaLetramento crítico na aula de língua inglesa: multiletramentos e redes sociaisdissertacao_mestradoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAO::ENSINO PROFISSIONALIZANTE